A flowerbed and toilet paper on a car. Two NHL hockey players engaged in a prank war

Hockey news 09 apr 2024, 05:07
A flowerbed and toilet paper on a car. Two NHL hockey players engaged in a prank war nhl.com

Minnesota Wild's NHL goalkeeper Marc-Andre Fleury and Colorado Avalanche forward Brandon Duhaime engaged in the most epic prank war in league history.

It all started with the players joking around during interviews and then teasing each other during practice sessions. At that time, Duhaime was still a player for Minnesota.

One day, Duhaime brought a stick to practice and left it in the dressing room instead of his goalie stick. As a result, Fleury used it to block shots during practice. Later on, they started swapping skates before training and hiding each other's gear.

However, their pranks recently escalated to a new level. On April 4th, Fleury arrived at the parking lot to find his car completely wrapped in toilet paper.

Then, yesterday, Duhaime got his revenge. Fleury scattered dirt on Duhaime's car and arranged flowers on it, creating a real flowerbed.

It's likely that these pranks will continue, and we can look forward to more antics from them.

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