Czechia vs South Korea - Prediction and statistics on match

Czechia Czechia
Friendly International Women 24 feb 2024, 13:00 Czechia - South Korea
1 : 2
South Korea South Korea

Mathematical prediction for Czechia vs South Korea match

Date and time 24.02.2024 13:00
Czechia 1
South Korea 2
1 21%
X 22%
2 57%
Prediction W2 1.6

Czechia vs South Korea Odds

Bookmaker 1 X 2
1xBet 1xBet Promo Code
1x_702741 Promo code copied
4.39 4.1 1.6
Bet365 Bet365 Payout 3.75 4.2 1.66
William Hill William Hill Bonus Drop 3.5 3.8 1.73
888Sport 3.9 4.2 1.65
Vbet 4.39 4.1 1.6

Calendar Friendly International Women