A second test has confirmed it. Ryan Garcia used banned substances

Boxing News 23 may 2024, 12:21
Steven Perez Dailysports's expert Steven Perez
A second test has confirmed it. Ryan Garcia used banned substances Photo: https://x.com/RyanGarcia

Boxer Ryan Garcia, competing in the lightweight division, tested positive for Ostarine following his initial doping test.

As reported by Dan Rafael, the results of the second sample, known as the "B sample," also confirmed the presence of banned substances in the boxer's system.

"The B sample results for Ryan Garcia came back Thursday morning, a day after being opened. I have the lab reports and the B samples, as expected, matched the A samples — both positive for the banned PED Ostarine, related to VADA tests conducted the day before and the day after the Devin Haney fight," the journalist wrote.

It is worth noting that while the A sample showed a positive result for 19-norandrosterone, the doping test for this banned substance returned a negative result. Therefore, the athlete did not use this substance before the fight against Devin Haney. Further investigations focused on Ostarine.

The boxer himself asserted that he defeated Haney fairly and justly. Additionally, Garcia stated his intention to file a lawsuit against the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

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