Bavaria issued an official statement on Mazraoui, who supporting the Palestinians

Football news 20 oct 2023, 07:00
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
Bavaria issued an official statement on Mazraoui, who supporting the Palestinians Bavaria issued an official statement on Mazraoui, who supporting the Palestinians

After Bayern defender Nossair Mazraoui publicly expressed his support for Palestine, the Munich team made an official statement.

The club stated that they had already spoken with the player.

“This week Bayern Munich had a detailed and explanatory conversation with Mazraoui. The footballer's messages on social networks about terror associated with Israel were discussed, which caused resonance and criticism.

Bayern and the footballer are categorically opposed to the transfer of the Middle East conflict and its violence to Germany, a country dedicated to peace. Hatred and violence towards children have no place in German political culture. Bayern supports the German Jewish community and Israel; nothing justifies killing children and families.

FC Bayern believes that football must show its power of peace and rapprochement between different cultures, especially in the most difficult moments. Mazraoui will remain part of Bayern, however, due to his injury, he is temporarily out of action,” reads a statement published on Bayern’s official website.

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