Graham Potter reveals he sought therapy after Chelsea dismissal

Football news 02 dec 2024, 08:33
Yasmine Green Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert
Graham Potter reveals he sought therapy after Chelsea dismissal Photo: / Author unknown

Former Chelsea manager Graham Potter opened up about his personal struggles in the High Performance podcast. He shared that throughout his career, he grappled with psychological challenges and even sought help from a therapist after being dismissed by Chelsea.

Potter disclosed that he has consistently dealt with feelings of inadequacy and battled with “impostor syndrome.” He believes this perception stems from the stigmatization of mental health in football, where coaches are often expected to embody the archetype of an alpha male.

As a result, he worked with a psychologist to better understand and manage his emotions and thoughts.

"II still think if you do [talk about mental health] there's a feeling that if you do there's a weakness to it, there still is. The cultural alpha male position of a coach is you've got to be strong, all-knowing, thick-skinned, don't care about anyone else, all that kind of stuff," Potter explained.

Potter was dismissed by Chelsea in April 2023 due to unsatisfactory results and is currently without a club.

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