Romelu Lukaku: The time will come when I will tell everything

Football news 15 oct 2023, 13:53
Oliver White Dailysports's expert Oliver White
Romelu Lukaku: The time will come when I will tell everything Photo: Author unknown

Belgian forward Romelu Lukaku of AS Roma has talked about the events he experienced during the summer transfer window, as well as the challenging move from Chelsea to the Roman team.

«Most people in this press conference room know me. I don't like to go around the topic. The time will come when I will tell everything. But if I told you now how my last summer really was, everyone would be shocked.

There were moments when I really thought I could explode. Five years ago, I probably would have done just that.

Now I'm focused on doing what I do best, which is playing football. I worked hard all summer. I also have to thank Radja Nainggolan for being my representative during the negotiations with Roma», - said the Belgian footballer.

It's worth noting that the 30-year-old forward is playing for Roma on loan. Under the guidance of Jose Mourinho, Lukaku has scored 7 goals in 8 games for the "Wolves."

Earlier, we reported that Roma and Chelsea had agreed on the buyout fee for Lukaku next summer.

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