Important change in Champions League regulations revealed by Bayern's crushing victory

Football news 18 sep 2024, 07:09
Yasmine Green Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert
Important change in Champions League regulations revealed by Bayern's crushing victory

Bayern Munich defeated Dinamo Zagreb 9-2 in the first round of the Champions League league stage. But, as it turned out, this triumph is important not only in terms of records, but also in terms of position in the overall standings.

Details: Relevo has studied the Champions League regulations, and whereas previously the first thing to be taken into account when equalising points was goals scored in head-to-head encounters, now the first point is the total goal difference between goals scored and conceded. This gives Bayern a huge advantage over other teams, but it is not excluded that this victory will not be the last match with a large score.

Reminder: In the new Champions League format, there is no group division and all 36 participating teams are in one, common table. According to UEFA, this will create more intrigue and keep the play-offs alive until the last round.

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