The president of La Liga spoke out about the financial difficulties of Barcelona

Football news 04 july 2023, 04:00
Dailysports Dailysports's expert Dailysports
The president of La Liga spoke out about the financial difficulties of Barcelona Photo: La Liga Twitter

The president of La Liga Javier Tebas has shared his opinion on the financial difficulties faced by Barcelona in recent years.

According to the head of the league, if the club will continue to work in the same direction, it will be able to register players without problems.

At the same time, Tebas did not hide the fact that at the moment the situation is still not ideal, but the club is moving in the right direction.

"I want to believe that Barcelona will overcome its financial problems and pay its debts. I like the optimistic mood of the club's president, Joan Laporta, about this," he said.

As you know, last season Barcelona won the championship of Spain, while Real Madrid finished second.

In addition, Barça celebrated victory in the Spanish Super Cup, beating Real Madrid in the battle for the trophy.

At the same time, on the European stage, Barcelona's performance left much to be desired - the team failed to overcome the group stage of the Champions League, before being knocked out of the Europa League play-offs by Manchester United.

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