The NFL is considering two additional European cities for hosting international games

NFL News 27 may 2024, 04:12
Steven Perez Dailysports's expert Steven Perez
The NFL is considering two additional European cities for hosting international games Photo:

The NFL aims to expand the global popularity of American football by exploring additional European cities for hosting games.

According to CBS Sports, the league is evaluating Paris and Dublin as potential new venues. Discussions are currently underway with local authorities in these cities, and the league is assessing the readiness of their stadiums to host NFL matches.

If the league decides to proceed with games in Paris and Dublin, the likely host teams would be the New Orleans Saints and the Pittsburgh Steelers, respectively, as they hold marketing rights in France and Ireland.

"There is a feasibility study, as we would call it, in a number of different European cities, and Dublin is one of them. We are inspecting stadiums, meeting with locals, gathering all this information, digesting it, and determining our next steps.

This is happening in Dublin, it's happening in Paris, for example, and in several other cities around the world," said Brett Gosper, the NFL's head of Europe and UK.

This year, the NFL will hold three games in London, one in Munich, and one in São Paulo. Next year, Madrid will host a game, and games will return to Mexico City. The league also mentioned that Australia could host a regular-season game in the future.

By the way, during this summer's preseason, the NFL will begin testing an automatic first down marker system.

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