Mbappe at Real Madrid: the Frenchman's salary and the date of his debut have been announced

Football news 20 july 2023, 06:00
Dailysports Dailysports's expert Dailysports
Mbappe at Real Madrid: the Frenchman's salary and the date of his debut have been announced Photo: social networks

Salary forward of the French national team and PSG Kylian Mbappe in Real Madrid will be 54 million euros.

As El Debate writes, the 24-year-old French footballer has already allegedly agreed a contract with the Spanish club.

At the same time PSG will receive for the player no more than 180 million, while the Parisians wanted to get to this amount of another 47 million in the form of bonuses.

The source writes that this nuance could be a problem in the negotiations, but it is solvable, as the Parisians are in a hurry to sell the player.

At the same time, Real Madrid bosses hope that Mbappe will make his debut for the club in the match of the 1st round of the Spanish championship against Athletic Bilbao. The game will be held away on August 12.

Now in the Spanish club are working on the fact that the star footballer joined the team as soon as possible, so that he had time to adapt under the guidance of coach Carlo Ancelotti.

Recall that Mbappe's agreement with his club expires in the summer of 2024. The footballer has already stated that he is not going to extend the contract and is looking for a new club.

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