He has chosen the “wrong” sport? The NBA star hit an opponent during the match. VIDEO

Basketball news 14 dec 2023, 04:00
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
He has chosen the “wrong” sport? The NBA star hit an opponent during the match. VIDEO He has chosen the “wrong” sport? The NBA star hit an opponent during the match. VIDEO

The next games of the NBA regular season gave the world a new scandal.

This time the NBA match was turbulent, in which Golden State lost to Phoenix (116:119) on a foreign court.

The match took place on the night of December 13 and during the third quarter, Warriors star forward Draymond Green hit Phoenix basketball player Jusuf Nurkic in the face with his hand.

At first, it might seem that this was an ordinary game episode and Green had no malicious intent. After watching the replay, it became clear that Green hit his opponent on purpose, for which the referee sent him off the court.

Later, the NBA also made an official statement regarding the incident. They said that they want to disqualify Green for an indefinite period. Apparently, the duration of the disqualification will become known after the investigation is completed.

Another interesting fact is that Green has already received a five-game ban this season. Then he was punished for a fight with Minnesota center Rudy Gobert.

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