Bale explained why Manchester United turned him down

Football news 12 sep 2023, 04:24
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
Bale explained why Manchester United turned him down Bale explained why Manchester United turned him down

Welsh star Gareth Bale has recalled how he could have moved to Manchester United during his time with Southampton.

As you know, the winger refused such an offer and joined Tottenham, where he gained worldwide fame. From there he went to play for Real Madrid. Bale was paid 100 million euros and for a long time this transfer was a record in the world of football.

According to the footballer, at that time Manchester United was the greatest club in the Premier League, with trophies behind it and the best players under the leadership of an excellent coach.

"It would have been an easy decision to come to United as a Southampton player. You always dream of playing for great clubs. However, I made the decision based on the desire to continue playing football. At that time, many players my age would have been looking for money and wanting to "Move to bigger clubs. An important point for development was continuous playing time, and that's why I chose Tottenham," the footballer recalled.

Let us remember that at the beginning of the year Bale ended his football career.

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