Doesn't miss football. Pogba has embarked on an acting career

Football news 06 may 2024, 14:23
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
Doesn't miss football. Pogba has embarked on an acting career

French midfielder Paul Pogba, who is suspended for four years for doping, is not bored without football.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, the footballer, whose rights are still owned by Juventus, has started a career as a film actor.

Pogba will star in a film called "4 Zero". There the world champion-2018 will play the role of a coach of young footballers. The film is set to be released in the summer of 2025.

Recall, Pogba's problems in August last year, when after the match against Udinese in Pogba's blood was found elevated testosterone. Repeated tests confirmed the fact that the footballer used a banned drug. He filed an appeal, but it was rejected.

In addition to Juventus, Pogba played for Manchester United during his career, where he spent six seasons.

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