Bookmakers have named a surprise favourite for the Chelsea coaching job

Football news 24 may 2024, 12:37
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
Bookmakers have named a surprise favourite for the Chelsea coaching job Bookmakers have named a surprise favourite for the Chelsea coaching job

On Tuesday, Chelsea said goodbye to Mauricio Pochettino, and now the "pensioners" are puzzled to find his successor. Bookmakers have decided to play on this, who have started taking bets on who will be the new Chelsea head coach. And the preferences of fans, to put it mildly, surprised.

According to a representative of one of the British bookmakers, players actively bet on the fact that the head coach of Chelsea for the third time will be Jose Mourinho:

"From 10.15am to 10.50am this morning, every bet we took was on Mourinho being Chelsea's next coach, which does not fit with reports that Chelsea want a young and dynamic coach. In that time his odds have dropped from 40/1 to 2/1. 'Maresca and McKenna remain favourites,' reports the Evening Standard.

Admittedly, it is considered unlikely that Mourinho will take charge of the London club for a third time, and fans' betting odds on this eventuality are considered rather odd.

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