Will Messi return to Spain? Barcelona intrigues fans with photos

Football news 07 oct 2023, 07:27
Robert Sykes Dailysports's expert Robert Sykes
Will Messi return to Spain? Barcelona intrigues fans with photos Photo: Reuters/Author unknown

Lionel Messi left Camp Nou back in 2021 due to the financial constraints that prevented the club from paying his astronomical salary. However, Barcelona fans have always spoken of the legend's potential return to Catalonia, hoping to see him don the famous red and blue jersey once again.

Neither the club nor the player has explicitly denied these rumors. In addition to this, Barcelona's Instagram featured a post generated by neural networks, depicting planets and stars in the night sky, all subtly reflecting Messi's iconic celebrations.

Previously, there were rumors that if Messi's current club, Inter Miami, fails to make it to the MLS playoffs, he might join another club on loan, similar to the moves made by David Beckham and Robbie Keane before. Given the current position of the American club in the league standings, this appears quite likely.

Lionel Messi joined Barcelona in 2000 and played 778 matches for the team. He holds the record for the most goals scored for "Blaugrana," having found the back of the net 672 times.Alongside the Catalan club, Messi has won 35 trophies.

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