Source: "Shakhtar" has parted ways with their head coach

Football news 08 june 2023, 13:55
Robert Sykes Dailysports's expert Robert Sykes
Source: "Shakhtar" has parted ways with their head coach Photo: Shakhtar's Instagram / Author unknown

Donetsk's "Shakhtar" has decided to part ways with head coach Igor Jovićević, as reported by TaToTake.

According to journalist Roman Bebech, the decision regarding the coach was made personally by the club's president, Rinat Akhmetov. The exact reason for the early termination of the contract has not been disclosed, and the coach himself has not been officially informed of his dismissal yet.

It's worth noting that under Jovićević's guidance, Shakhtar became the champion of Ukraine in the current season and reached the Round of 16 in the UEFA Europa League.

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