Messi has revealed when he will end his career

Football news 13 july 2023, 06:00
Dailysports Dailysports's expert Dailysports
Messi has revealed when he will end his career Photo: Twitter of the Argentina national team

Argentina striker Lionel Messi answered the question when he plans to leave the national team.

According to the star footballer, so far it is difficult for him to say when it will happen.

"To be honest, I can't say exactly when I will finish my career in the national team. I believe it will happen when the time comes. Having achieved everything recently, all that remains is to enjoy the game. That God will guide me to that moment.

Given my age, it will probably be in the near future, but I can't pinpoint the exact time.

Right now, I'm focusing on each day and savoring all the beauty that comes with it.

We faced huge challenges as a team, but we were fortunate enough to win both the World Cup and the America's Cup. It's time to enjoy these victories," Messi said in an interview with TV Publica.

Recall that already this week Messi is expected to become a player of Inter Miami. Prior to that, the Argentine spent two seasons in the French PSG, with which he won two national titles. This summer he left the team for free.

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