Karim Benzema accused of links to terrorists

Football news 18 oct 2023, 02:24
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
Karim Benzema accused of links to terrorists Photo: Al-Ittihad Twitter

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has accused Al-Ittihad footballer Karim Benzema of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

"We all know about Mr. Karim Benzema's notorious connections with the Muslim Brotherhood," Darmanen said.

Previously, Benzema expressed his support for the Palestinian population in the context of the military conflict with Israel. His words caused a resonance; many felt that the football player should not have taken such a position.

Let us recall that on October 7, 2023, the Palestinian movement Hamas, which is located in the Gaza Strip, launched attacks on Israel. Both sides called the whole thing a “war,” and Israel began to respond.

Earlier, former Arsenal, Real Madrid and Germany footballer Mesut Ozil also expressed his support for Palestine. The legendary football player publicly called on both sides to stop hostilities.

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