Artificial intelligence is increasingly entering the football world. Will it replace coaches?

Football news 10 mar 2024, 09:20
Robert Sykes Dailysports's expert Robert Sykes
Artificial intelligence is increasingly entering the football world. Will it replace coaches? Artificial intelligence is increasingly entering the football world. Will it replace coaches?

In the football world, discussions about utilizing artificial intelligence to assist coaches have been ongoing for quite some time. Some clubs are not just talking about it but have already begun to take action. For instance, Manchester United recently partnered with the Capital University's Sports Institute to leverage artificial intelligence for gaining an edge.

Technical experts claim that harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence is akin to "recruiting a team of sharp players" and may lead to "unconventional" tactical innovations that will shape the future of football.

James Banks, who has been the director of a company in Monaco for the past three years, told Mail Sport:

"I am confident that AI will be able to use physical and technical data to advise coaches on substituting one player for another, as they now become statistically less influential."

Artificial intelligence has already altered how Premier League clubs and teams across Europe sign players, manage injuries, and analyze performances—and it is poised to influence how coaches react to on-field situations in the near future.

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