Fantasy Champions League: Dailysports vs readers – who will win?

Football news 09 dec 2024, 10:35
Luis Torres Luis Torres Dailysports's expert
Fantasy Champions League: Dailysports vs readers – who will win? Justin Setterfield/Getty Images)

The sixth round of the Champions League doesn't signal the end of competition. On the contrary, the excitement is just beginning—not only on the field but also in the Fantasy Football league, where you can challenge the experts at Dailysports.

What are the rules of Fantasy Football?

We’ve previously detailed the rules at the start of the tournament, which you can read about here. For now, we’ll skip the specifics. Just remember, to participate, you need an account on UEFA’s official website. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create it.

Results after the fifth round of Fantasy Football

The top three leaders remain unchanged after the fifth round: DuduAS, anxiety, and voidnnill. However, the rankings shifted slightly, with voidnnill climbing to second place. In fact, voidnnill was the standout performer of the fifth round, scoring 102 points.

Dailysports expert Luis Torres, who also competes in the league, managed to regain some ground. He now sits at the edge of the top ten.

Luis Torres' team for the sixth round of Fantasy Football

Remember, you’re competing against Dailysports expert Luis Torres. Here’s the team he has prepared for the sixth round.

The sixth round of the Champions League is another chance to prove yourself as a sharp analyst. Seize the opportunity in UEFA’s Fantasy Football game!

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