Athletic have put a condition on all bidders for their top star

Football news 16 may 2024, 04:36
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
Athletic have put a condition on all bidders for their top star Athletic have put a condition on all bidders for their top star

Athletic Bilbao winger Nico Williams is the main asset of the Basque club, and despite the desire of the grandees to lure the 21-year-old player to them, the Baskonia capital value him and do not intend to let him go for nothing.

According to Marca, Athletic do not want to negotiate with the contenders for the winger and are ready to give Williams, if only the club that wants him, will pay the entire clausula of 55 million euros. The publication also quotes the club's director of football, Mikel Gonzalez, who emphasised that the suitors for the 21-year-old are aware of this.

Thus, to enter into negotiations intended two unnamed clubs, their requests for this remained ignored by Athletic. And to pay the clausula last summer was ready Aston Villa, but Williams himself refused to move to England.

Earlier it was reported that the "villians", as well as Chelsea could not fulfil the financial requirements of the player, because of this the clubs and refused his transfer.

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