RFC Seraing vs RWD Molenbeek - Betting tips and Prediction

RFC Seraing RFC Seraing
Pro League Promotion/Relegation Belgium 30 apr 2022, 14:45 RFC Seraing - RWD Molenbeek
0 : 0
Belgium, Stade du Pairay
RWD Molenbeek RWD Molenbeek

Match details

Game end
90 ’ +7
Yellow card 90’
Yan Vorogovsky 5
RWD Molenbeek Left back
Yellow card 89’
Ibrahima Sankhon 14
RWD Molenbeek Right back
Yellow card 88’
Youssef Maziz 88
RFC Seraing Center midfielder
Substitution 82’
11 Thomas Ephestion Enter  the field
RWD Molenbeek
88 Aboubakar Keita Leave  the field
RWD Molenbeek
Yellow card 79’
Theo Defourny 33
RWD Molenbeek Goalkeeper
Yellow card 79’
Yahya Nadrani 20
RFC Seraing Right back
Substitution 74’
9 William Togui Enter  the field
RWD Molenbeek
8 Lenny Nangis Leave  the field
RWD Molenbeek Left midfielder
Substitution 72’
17 Mathieu Cachbach Enter  the field
RFC Seraing
10 Marius Mouandilmadji Leave  the field
RFC Seraing Left forward
Substitution 72’
24 Benjamin Boulenger Enter  the field
RFC Seraing
18 Morgan Poaty Leave  the field
RFC Seraing Left midfielder
Substitution 66’
21 Marsoni Sambu Enter  the field
RFC Seraing
40 Daniel Opare Leave  the field
RFC Seraing Right midfielder
Substitution 65’
28 Obbi Oulare Enter  the field
RWD Molenbeek
47 Igor de Camargo Leave  the field
RWD Molenbeek Center forward
Substitution 65’
7 Nzuzi Mata Enter  the field
RWD Molenbeek
77 Zakaria El Ouahdi Leave  the field
RWD Molenbeek Center midfielder
Yellow card 49’
Ablie Jallow 36
RFC Seraing Center midfielder
Substitution 46’
88 Aboubakar Keita Enter  the field
RWD Molenbeek
20 Theo Gece Leave  the field
RWD Molenbeek Center midfielder
0 : 0
Yellow card 45’
Morgan Poaty 18
RFC Seraing Left midfielder
Yellow card 45’
Lenny Nangis 8
RWD Molenbeek Left midfielder
Yellow card 25’
Daniel Opare 40
RFC Seraing Right midfielder
Game starts at

RFC Seraing vs RWD Molenbeek today lineups

Lineup not confirmed
30 Guillaume Dietsch
20 Yahya Nadrani
13 Kouadio-Yves Dabila
6 Mikael Dyrestam
44 Ibrahima Cisse
40 Daniel Opare
36 Ablie Jallow
88 Youssef Maziz
18 Morgan Poaty
9 Georges Mikautadze
10 Marius Mouandilmadji
33 Theo Defourny
14 Ibrahima Sankhon
22 Gilles Ruyssen
3 Florian Le Joncour
5 Yan Vorogovsky
94 Nicolas Rommens
20 Theo Gece
13 Kylian Hazard
77 Zakaria El Ouahdi
8 Lenny Nangis
47 Igor de Camargo
Team manager Jean-Louis Garcia
Team manager
RFC Seraing vs RWD Molenbeek today lineups
Guillaume Dietsch 30 Guillaume Dietsch Goalkeeper
Daniel Opare 40 Daniel Opare Right midfielder 25’ 66’
Yahya Nadrani 20 Yahya Nadrani Right back 79’
Morgan Poaty 18 Morgan Poaty Left midfielder 45’ 72’
Kouadio-Yves Dabila 13 Kouadio-Yves Dabila Center defender
Ablie Jallow 36 Ablie Jallow Center midfielder 49’
Marius Mouandilmadji 10 Marius Mouandilmadji Left forward 72’
Mikael Dyrestam 6 Mikael Dyrestam Left back
Youssef Maziz 88 Youssef Maziz Center midfielder 88’
Georges Mikautadze 9 Georges Mikautadze Right forward
Ibrahima Cisse 44 Ibrahima Cisse Center midfielder
Florian Le Joncour 3 Florian Le Joncour Center defender
Gilles Ruyssen 22 Gilles Ruyssen Center defender
Ibrahima Sankhon 14 Ibrahima Sankhon Right back 89’
Nicolas Rommens 94 Nicolas Rommens Center midfielder
Theo Gece 20 Theo Gece Center midfielder 46’
Theo Defourny 33 Theo Defourny Goalkeeper 79’
Igor de Camargo 47 Igor de Camargo Center forward 65’
Zakaria El Ouahdi 77 Zakaria El Ouahdi Center midfielder 65’
Yan Vorogovsky 5 Yan Vorogovsky Left back 90’
Lenny Nangis 8 Lenny Nangis Left midfielder 45’ 74’
Kylian Hazard 13 Kylian Hazard Right midfielder

Head to Head RFC Seraing - RWD Molenbeek

Statistics are for the last 5 games
80% W - 4
0% D - 0
20% W - 1
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