West Ham have made an offer for the Wolves defender. It's known how they've responded

Football news 21 june 2024, 10:29
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
West Ham have made an offer for the Wolves defender. It's known how they've responded West Ham have made an offer for the Wolves defender. It's known how they've responded

West Ham are interested in Wolverhampton defender Max Kilman and have already made the first offer for the centre-back. Now the details of the transfer of the player are known.

"Hammers" began negotiations on Kilman with the sum of 25 million pounds, but, according to The Telegraph, this amount did not satisfy Wolverhampton. "Wolves want more for him since even £30m from Napoli last summer.

It is believed that the sum of 45 million euros can change the club's mind to let Kilman go. Wolverhampton in principle do not intend to say goodbye to the defender, but understands that a large sum can give the club a big manoeuvre in the transfer market.

Wolves are also not under pressure from financial stability rules, so they do not need to sell players in a hurry to avoid dropping points or other penalties.

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