Trump and Biden argued about golf during the debate. The winner of the US Open offered them a match

Golf News 28 june 2024, 12:03
Steven Perez Dailysports's expert Steven Perez
Trump and Biden argued about golf during the debate. The winner of the US Open offered them a match Photo: Getty/Shutterstock

In the early hours of Friday, June 28, in the United States, presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joseph Biden debated, mentioning one sport in particular - golf.

Politicians were asked about voters' concerns regarding their age, and they began to argue about their golfing abilities. The former president claimed he was in good shape and had good health.

"I just won two club championships - not even among adults, but two regular club championships. To do this, you have to be very smart and able to hit the ball far. And I do that. He doesn't. He can't hit the ball 50 yards," Biden said.

Biden, in turn, mocked his opponent's weight and height.

"He says he's 6'3" and weighs only 225 pounds. Listen, I'd be happy to have a golf match with him. My handicap, when I was vice president, was reduced to six. And by the way, I already told you that I'm ready to play golf if you bring your own bag. Do you think you can do that?" Biden replied.

Trump immediately responded that this was the biggest lie, that Biden had a 6-point handicap (a number that allows players of different skill levels to be compared with each other. The lower the handicap, the better the golfer).

"I saw his swing. I know your reach. Let's not act like children," Trump added.

To which Biden replied that the former president is a child.

These events prompted the current US Open champion to offer both candidates to play a match and demonstrate it on YouTube. The idea was well-received online, and viewers are eager to watch this match.

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