Football now comes first. Euro 2024 star graduates from school

Football news 27 june 2024, 13:00
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
Football now comes first. Euro 2024 star graduates from school Lars Baron/Getty Images

While with the Spanish national team at Euro 2024, Lamine Yamal officially completed his school education.

Today, the teenager took his final school exam, as reported by Catalunya Radio.

Recall that by appearing in the starting lineup in the first-round match against Croatia (3-0), Yamal became the youngest player in Euro history. He also provided an assist to Dani Carvajal in that game. Subsequently, Lamine played 71 minutes against Italy (1-0), and in the match against Albania (1-0), he came on as a substitute in the 72nd minute.

Yamal is also the youngest player in the history of both La Liga and the Champions League. In the recently concluded season, the 16-year-old winger scored 7 goals and provided 10 assists in 50 matches across all competitions.

In the Round of 16 of the European Championship 2024, Spain will face the sensational Georgian team. The match will take place on Sunday, June 30.

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