The police have detained a star from the England rugby team

Rugby News 29 apr 2024, 05:50
Steven Perez Dailysports's expert Steven Perez
The police have detained a star from the England rugby team Photo: Solarpix

The police arrested the star of English rugby, Billy Vunipola, overnight on Sunday, as reported by the Majorca Daily Bulletin.

It was revealed that the 31-year-old athlete had thrown stools at bar staff and even struck a police officer. The police had to use a taser twice; the first attempt did not subdue the rugby player. Eventually, the police managed to apprehend Billy Vunipola after the second use of the taser and took him to the hospital. Medical personnel administered a sedative and restrained him to the bed.

The rugby player was brought to court on Sunday afternoon, dressed in the same blue T-shirt and beige shorts in which he was arrested. Billy Vunipola was released on bail pending the completion of the investigation.

It's worth noting that two young footballers, who play in the Premier League, were arrested on suspicion of rape.

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