The head coach of a top national team has spoken out against Super League

Football news 02 jan 2024, 03:32
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
The head coach of a top national team has spoken out against Super League Photo:

The head coach of the Italian national team, Luciano Spalletti, commented on discussions about the creation of the European Super League. The 64-year-old coach considers this idea to be bad.

"We are losing our old good traditions. It seems that only influential people can write the rules, and they want to impose their idea of football.

I'm sorry, but they can't understand that as long as there is a ball and two goals in the world, people will always choose the traditional football they love. People still want to have a chance to dream.

We shouldn't lose hope that a small team can defeat a giant team. We shouldn't lose the sense of wonder. Let people dream and believe; football will never be only for the strong teams", – Spalletti said, quoted by Gazzetta dello Sport.

Earlier, the Italian Football Federation banned Italian clubs from participating in the Super League project in any form. Violators will be excluded from Serie A.

Earlier, AS Roma and Inter released official statements expressing opposition to the new Super League project. AC Milan and Juventus chose to remain silent, while the presidents of Napoli and Lazio supported the decision of the European Court in favor of the new project.

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