Laporta disclosed the starting date of the Super League

Football news 24 mar 2024, 15:59
Oliver White Dailysports's expert Oliver White
Laporta disclosed the starting date of the Super League Photo: Author unknown

The inception of a new continental club competition named the Super League was initiated several years ago. However, due to formidable resistance to these innovations, the clubs that embarked on it were ultimately compelled to mitigate the pace of media coverage in implementing their ideas.

Nevertheless, the process persisted, with the organizers, primarily the presidents of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, and Barcelona, Joan Laporta, steadfastly advancing their concepts to the wider public.

In a recent interview with the Spanish press, the latter elucidated the current status of the project.

"It will be a very interesting competition, and I believe it will begin in 2025.

If we had started the tournament two years ago, we would have already earned a significant amount of money," - stated the president of the Catalan club.

It is worth noting that it was previously announced that Barcelona will terminate its contract with its technical sponsor.

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