FA Cup will undergo major changes. What is in the tournament's future?

Football news 18 apr 2024, 09:44
Liam Carter Dailysports's expert Liam Carter
From the next season the regulations of the English FA Cup are set to undergo significant changes Photo - Getty Images

Starting from the 2024/25 season, the regulations of the English FA Cup will undergo changes.

According to the Football Association, from the next season onwards, replays will be abolished at all stages of the tournament, with all matches being decided in a single game.

In its current format, the FA Cup does not have replays from the fifth round onwards. The FA stated that the decision to abolish replays in earlier stages was made "in light of changes in the schedule due to the expansion of UEFA competitions."

This change is clearly in response to the increased workload on teams due to European cup matches.

In addition, the Football Association and the EPL have agreed that all FA Cup rounds will now be played on weekends, including fifth round matches, which were previously played in the middle of the week. The EPL has also agreed to exclude league matches on those weekends when the FA Cup quarter-finals are played.

The FA Cup final will be played on the penultimate weekend of the Premier League season on Saturdays - there will be no EPL matches on the same day.

The contract between the FA and the EPL is for a minimum of six years.

In the current edition, the semi-final pairs of the tournament are Coventry City vs. Manchester United and Manchester City vs. Chelsea. The matches to determine the finalists will take place on April 20 and 21. The main tournament match will be held at Wembley on May 25.

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