VIDEO. Scandal in Dubai. Rublev disqualified for foul language during match against Bublik

Tennis news 01 mar 2024, 13:40
Leo Peterson Dailysports's expert Leo Peterson
VIDEO. Scandal in Dubai. Rublev disqualified for foul language during match against Bublik VIDEO. Scandal in Dubai. Rublev disqualified for foul language during match against Bublik

Russian tennis player Andrey Rublev was disqualified from the ATP 500 tournament in Dubai, UAE.

In the semifinals, the fifth-ranked player in the world faced Kazakhstan's representative, Aleksander Bublik.

In the final stages of the third set, with the score at 7-6 (7:4), 6-7 (5:7), 5-6, Rublev uttered an expletive in Russian towards the line referee. The line judge then notified the chair umpire, who, in turn, called the supervisor.

Subsequently, the officials decided to stop the match and award the victory to Bublik, while the Russian would forfeit the prize money and points earned at the tournament.

Here's the conversation between Rublev and the supervisor:

Supervisor: Andrey, this gentleman here spoke in Russian. He said...

Rublev: I spoke to him in English. I asked him how he didn't see it was out.

Supervisor to the line referee: Can you repeat what he said?

Line referee: You said to him, "You idiot. How did you not see it?"

Supervisor: This is a disqualification. He speaks like this – and he knows Russian.

Rublev: I didn't speak to him in Russian.

Supervisor to the line referee: Can you repeat?

Rublev: Are you serious? (To the line judge in Russian) Are you serious right now? I didn't even speak Russian.

Line referee: If I hadn't heard, I wouldn't have said anything.

Supervisor: He speaks Russian.

Rublev: But I didn't speak Russian.

Supervisor: This is a disqualification.

Rublev: What do you mean – disqualification? I swear, I didn't...

Supervisor to the line referee: Did he say "fucking moron"?

Rublev: I didn't say "fucking." What do you mean – "fucking"? I didn't say that! It's a huge lie! I swear – I didn't say that.

Supervisor: We'll have to review the footage. But this is a disqualification.

Rublev: How can you trust...

Supervisor: He speaks Russian.

Rublev: It can't be. No! You can't do this. Maybe check the cameras first, and then believe him? He could have made up anything. Maybe intentionally.

Rublev will be stripped of all prize money and earned points from the Dubai tournament.

In the final of the ATP 500 event in the UAE, Bublik will face Hugo Umbert, who eliminated the first seed, Daniil Medvedev.

VIDEO. Scandal in Dubai. Rublev disqualified for foul language during match against Bublik

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