The West Ham legend has spoken candidly about his psychological problems

Football news 16 may 2024, 07:58
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
The West Ham legend has spoken candidly about his psychological problems The West Ham legend has spoken candidly about his psychological problems

West Ham striker Michael Antonio has been performing at the highest level for nine years now as a player in a Premier League team. Still, while some people enjoy it, the 34-year-old forward has felt increasingly pressurised by it.

This, as Antonio told the High Performance podcast, was fuelled by his divorce from his wife. And this during what should have been one of his happiest periods - when West Ham won the UEFA Conference League:

"I was worried about the divorce and everything, and to be honest I couldn't understand it. After we won, the whole team were out partying, some hadn't slept for two days, everyone was just drunk. I, on the other hand, slept on the bus and went back to the hotel. I was just psychologically exhausted through everything that was going on outside of football."

Moreover, the realisation that he had won a European tournament didn't come to him immediately:

"I was probably in a better place in December when I said to myself, 'Oh my God, I've won a European tournament.' That's when I realised I wasn't enjoying football. During the games I was thinking 'I don't enjoy it'. I was feeling quite negative."

In December 2022, he sought help first from club doctors and then therapists. He now has sessions every week, and he plans to continue therapy for another two years. But Antonio has no intention of retiring from football, and wants to continue playing for at least three more years.

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