The leader of the Knicks is likely to miss the entire playoffs

Basketball news 20 apr 2024, 16:41
Oliver White Dailysports's expert Oliver White
The leader of the Knicks is likely to miss the entire playoffs Photo: Author unknown

The first NBA playoff game between the New York Knicks and the Philadelphia 76ers is approaching, and fans of the New York basketball team are anxious ahead of the game. The absence of the team's leader is the main concern.

For the Knicks, making it through the first round of the 2024 NBA playoffs will not be easy. They enter the playoffs without one of their best players, Julius Randle, who has suffered an injury and will be unable to participate in the games. Some fans express confidence in the team, believing that the Knicks are the best team in the Eastern Conference, and even predict that they can make it to the finals. However, many have concerns about Randle's absence and even speculate that this may be his last season with the New York Knicks.

Recall that the basketball player has not played since late February after dislocating his shoulder in a game against the Miami Heat. Initially, there was hope that Randle would recover in time for the start of the playoffs, but now his chances of playing for the Knicks this season is very slim. It will all depend on how far the team can advance in the playoffs.

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