The first team to secure a spot in the Stanley Cup playoffs has been determined

Hockey news 28 mar 2024, 03:26
Steven Perez Dailysports's expert Steven Perez
The first team to secure a spot in the Stanley Cup playoffs has been determined Photo:

The New York Rangers have become the first team in the current season of the National Hockey League to secure a spot in the playoffs.

The Rangers defeated Philadelphia in overtime with a score of 6-5, becoming the first team to reach 100 points in 72 games of the current season and securing a spot in the playoffs ahead of schedule.

The current season of the National Hockey League is in its final stages, with the last regular-season match scheduled for April 18. After that, the sixteen teams participating in the 2024 Stanley Cup playoffs will be finally determined.

The first-round matches will start on April 22 and will continue until May 6. The second-round matches will begin the next day and will last until May 22. The conference finals will take place from May 23 to June 8.

Dailysports has prepared a complete list of teams that have made it to the Stanley Cup playoffs and teams that have lost all chances.

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