Premier League participants have responded to a proposition from one of the clubs to abolish the VAR

Football news 16 may 2024, 11:55
Liam Carter Dailysports's expert Liam Carter
Premier League participants have responded to a proposition from one of the clubs to abolish the VAR Photo:

The clubs of the English Premier League have responded to Wolverhampton's proposal to abolish the use of VAR in the championship.

According to Sky Sports, the majority of clubs did not support the "Wolves'" initiative.

For such a decision to be approved, at least 14 out of the 20 league participants must vote positively. The vote is scheduled for June 6th, but it is expected not to garner the required number of votes.

The clubs are unwilling to scrap the use of the system and instead intend to enhance its functionality. From the next season onward, the Premier League will implement a semi-automatic offside detection system, which should reduce the number of contentious issues.

It is worth recalling that Wolverhampton submitted an official resolution to initiate a vote at the league's general meeting on June 6th to abolish VAR from the start of the 2024/25 season. As the club notes, this has led to numerous unintended negative consequences that are damaging the relationship between fans and football and undermining the value of the Premier League brand.

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