"Matches against them have always big occasion". Kane told for the second leg against Arsenal

Football news 16 apr 2024, 11:08
Liam Carter Dailysports's expert Liam Carter
"Matches against them have always big occasion". Kane told for the upcoming match against Arsenal Photo: twitter.com/iMiaSanMia

Bayern Munich forward Harry Kane has expressed his thoughts on the upcoming second leg of the UEFA Champions League quarter-final against Arsenal.

Having spent many years playing for Tottenham, Kane views matches against Arsenal as particularly significant. The Englishman scored against Arsenal in the first leg, becoming the top scorer in matches against the Gunners at the Emirates Stadium.

"Up until this year, I've played them at least twice a year for the last 10 years. It was always a big occasion, a big moment.

Of course, always maybe it was in the back of my mind, being released from a young age, that there was always a point to prove and I feel like I'm the type of player who throughout my whole career has had points to prove along the way.

I don't feel that ever leaves you. It will always be in my DNA until I'm retired. There will always be a reason to prove someone wrong or prove to myself I can do something." Kane said.

The second leg between Bayern and Arsenal will take place tomorrow, April 17th. The first leg in London ended in a 2:2 draw between the two teams.

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