Manchester United sided with Tag Hag in the conflict with Sancho

Football news 04 sep 2023, 11:00
Oliver White Dailysports's expert Oliver White
Manchester United sided with Tag Hag in the conflict with Sancho Photo:

The tension surrounding the conflict between Ten Haаg and Sancho is growing, the Guardian reports.

Because of this, Manchester United sided with the manager. They support the words of Ten Haag, which he said before the Arsenal 0 Manchester United match. According to sources, the club has nothing to add to what was said. This contradicts the words of Sancho, who claimed that he was left out of the squad before the game on purpose. In addition, neither the manager nor the club want to comment on the words of the football player, which he wrote on Twitter.

Ten Haag doesn't like Jadon Sancho's work in training, so he has started bringing in academy members Hannibal Madgebree, 20, and Dan Gore, 18. Last season, the United manager gave Sancho time to recover from physical and psychological injuries problems. He appointed separate coaches for the Englishman, who were supposed to help Jadon return to a high level. Ten Haag believes that the club did everything possible to make Sancho comfortable at Old Trafford, but the player did not appreciate this and did not show a serious approach in training.

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