Lukaku reveals the secret of his performance at Roma

Football news 09 oct 2023, 04:50
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
Lukaku reveals the secret of his performance at Roma Photo: Roma’s Twitter/Author unknown

Roma forward Romelu Lukaku spoke about how he adapted to his new team.

In eight matches for the Roman team, the Belgian striker scored seven goals.

Roma are not Lukaku. As I said earlier, we are a team and must move forward together. We are in a difficult situation, but we are committed to playing better for our fans and the city. We must continue to improve as many people are following us. I'm happy about this victory.

How do I keep in shape? I'm professional. A lot of people talked about me in the summer, but I prefer to show my abilities on the field. We are happy about the victory and must continue in the same spirit.

Relationship with Dybala? Very good. Since I came to Italy I have had the pleasure of playing with several great players. Paulo is a great player who helps me. It's a shame he got injured today. I hope he recovers quickly because he is very important for our team,” Roma’s official website quotes Lukaku as saying.

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