LeBron expressed dissatisfaction with the officiating in the second game against the Nuggets

Basketball news 23 apr 2024, 09:45
Liam Carter Dailysports's expert Liam Carter
LeBron expressed dissatisfaction with the officiating in the game against the Nuggets Photo: Cole Burston/Getty Images

Los Angeles Lakers leader LeBron James expressed dissatisfaction with the officiating in the second NBA playoff game against Denver.

The incident that drew LeBron's frustration occurred in the third quarter when the referees called a foul on Jamal Murray against D'Angelo Russell.

"I don't understand what's going on in the replay center, to be honest. I've said it this year, last year, whatever. D-Lo clearly gets hit in the face on a drive. What the f--- do we have a replay center [for] if it's going to go [like that]? It doesn't make sense to me.

"It makes no sense to me. It bothers me. I'm sorry to now answer your question, but that s--- is like... And then I just saw what happened with the Sixers-Knicks game too. Like, what are we doing? ... It's f---ing stupid." James said ESPN.

LeBron's team lost to Denver with a score of 101:99. Currently, the Lakers trail in the series 0:2, with the next two games taking place in Los Angeles.

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