Inter destroyed Monza, solidifying their leadership in Serie A

Football news 13 jan 2024, 16:43
Liam Carter Dailysports's expert Liam Carter
Inter destroyed Monza, solidifying their leadership in Serie A Inter destroyed Monza, solidifying their leadership in Serie A

In the 20th round of the Italian Serie A, Inter and Monza collided. The Nerazzurri approached the encounter as championship leaders, while the hosts of the field were situated in the middle of the league standings.

Under the guidance of Simone Inzaghi, two goals were netted against the opponents within a span of two minutes. Initially, Calhanoglu converted a penalty, followed by Martinez securing the success of the Milanese squad with an assist from Dimarco.

In the 30th minute, the ball found its way into Zommer's net, but Pessina's goal was disallowed due to an offside position.

Towards the conclusion of the hour of play, Calhanoglu scored from open play, settling any doubts about the victor of the match. Monza could only respond with a consolation goal from Pessina, who converted a penalty kick.

However, a 3:1 victory was not sufficient for Inter. Towards the end of the encounter, Martinez completed a brace by converting a penalty, and Markus Thuram sealed the hosts' fate.

Inter accumulated 51 points, maintaining a solitary lead in the elite Italian division. Monza, with 25 points, resides in the 11th position.

  • Serie A, 20th round

Monza - Inter - 1:5

Goals: Pessina, 68 (penalty) - Calhanoglu, 12 (penalty), 60, Martinez, 14, 84 (penalty), M. Thuram, 88

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