Ibrahimovic could help Milan make a high-profile transfer

Football news 25 mar 2024, 14:33
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
Ibrahimovic could help Milan make a high-profile transfer Photo: twitter.com/CeeZen_ / author unknown

Since the end of his career, former Milan forward Zlatan Ibrahimović has not stepped away from the Rossoneri camp as an advisor to the club's management. And it is this role that could help the San Siro host to one high-profile transfer.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the Swede could be a key figure in the transfer of Sporting forward and compatriot Victor Gyökeres. The publication believes that "Zlatan's call is difficult not to answer, even if in the meantime Premier League clubs are ringing the bells".

Both players, by the way, together on the field, although they played only 17 minutes in Ibra's last match in the national team against Belgium on 24 March 2023, so his contacts with the striker Sporting great Swede can use.

Recall, earlier it was reported about the interest in Gyökeres from Arsenal and Chelsea, but the player himself would like to get to Milan specifically. Because of Zlatan or not - it still needs to be known…

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