Haaland could find himself in the camp of his upcoming rival

Football news 05 mar 2024, 08:40
Yasmine Green Dailysports's expert Yasmine Green
Haaland could find himself in the camp of his upcoming rival Haaland could find himself in the camp of his upcoming rival

In 2019, the then 18-year-old Erling Haaland left his homeland and moved to RB Salzburg in Austria. But, the Norwegian could have moved abroad earlier.

As the forward himself told a press conference before the return match of the round of 16 of the Champions League with Copenhagen, he could move to the camp of the team from the capital of Denmark:

"I was at their viewing in 2016, but the transfer didn't happen. It's sad. I loved the club, it's a good club, I was interested. I still have a Copenhagen shirt with the number nine on it at home, but it will never happen. My destiny has taken a different path and so far it's a good path."

In 2016, Haaland was still a player at Norwegian Brune, only to end up at Molde a year later.

Recall that in the first game between Manchester City and Copenhagen at the Parken Stadium in the Danish capital, Pep Guardiola's wards won 3-1.

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