First photo in 93 weeks. NaVi trainer's awesome Instagram

Esports News 01 apr 2024, 12:34
Kenley Ward Dailysports's expert Kenley Ward
First photo in 93 weeks. NaVi trainer's awesome Instagram

Many athletes and public figures in the sports world actively maintain their social media pages, sharing new photos every week. However, we've come across an Instagram account that stands out from the rest. It belongs to the head coach of NaVi's Counter-Strike 2 team, Andrey Gorodensky, known by the nickname B1ad3.

What sets his account apart is that B1ad3 exclusively posts with new trophies won by the team under his leadership. Therefore, over the entire existence of the account, there are only 7 photos.

Between the last two photos, a whopping 93 weeks have passed.

Just yesterday, NaVi defeated Faze Clan in the PGL Major Copenhagen final. This marks the first Major in history since the release of Counter-Strike 2, previously known as CS GO.

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