Another contender emerges. Arsenal has set its sights on a forward from the sensational Bologna

Football news 06 apr 2024, 10:30
Oliver White Dailysports's expert Oliver White
Another contender emerges. Arsenal has set its sights on a forward from the sensational Bologna Photo: Author unknown

This season, Italian club Bologna, under the guidance of Thiago Motta, has demonstrated significant progress, attracting attention from other clubs ahead of the upcoming summer transfer window.

In particular, London-based Arsenal showed interest in acquiring 22-year-old Dutch forward Joshua Zirkzee during the winter transfer window, and that interest persists today. Arsenal scouts have been attending several matches featuring Zirkzee since late February, and negotiations with his agent are reportedly positive.

The coaching staff at Arsenal, including manager Mikel Arteta, sees the player as a potential reinforcement for their team. In the current season, Zirkzee has played 31 matches, scoring 11 goals and providing six assists.

Zirkzee's transfer from Bayern Munich to Bologna in the summer of 2022 cost the Italian club 8.5 million euros. However, Bologna is currently not considering offers for the player below 40 million euros.

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