An FA Super League match was delayed due to socks. The players had to buy them from their rivals

Football news 16 mar 2024, 08:32
Robert Sykes Dailysports's expert Robert Sykes
An FA Super League match was delayed due to socks. The players had to buy them from their rivals Photo: @sportbible account in X/Author unknown

Yesterday saw the central fixture of the sixteenth round of the Super League – the premier women's football division in England, where Arsenal's footballers traveled to Chelsea.

Initially, the "Gunners" took to the field wearing socks of the same color as their opponents. This unfortunate incident prompted referee Rebecca Welch to postpone the match until a solution was found.

The players had no choice but to rush to a Chelsea store to purchase the team's branded socks. Additionally, they were compelled to cover the Nike logo of Chelsea with blue tape, as their team's sponsor is Adidas.

Arsenal's coach commented on this situation after the match:

"I was aware only that it was a clash of colors with the kit, and it needed resolving.

How it happened? I have no clue. It's not where I dedicate my time and energy.

Certainly, we had to address it from both psychological and physical perspectives."

The match concluded with a convincing 3-1 victory for Chelsea. All three goals by the "Blues" were scored in the first half, taking them just seventeen minutes. An own goal was also conceded by a Chelsea player, inadvertently deflecting the ball into her own net.

Chelsea and Arsenal are the primary contenders for the championship. Over thirteen seasons since the inception of the Super League in 2010, neither the "Blues" nor the "Gunners" have clinched the title more than thrice. Chelsea boasts seven victories, while Arsenal has three. Currently, Chelsea leads the Super League with a three-point advantage over Manchester City, though the latter has a game in hand. Should Chelsea emerge victorious in this season's Super League, they will extend their championship streak to five seasons.

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